Launch Issue 2.0: Contamination
It’s been a while…
We are thrilled to announce the launch of our issue 2.0 Contamination.
A year ago, we singled out contamination as the common thread traversing the events, conversations, and research unfolding within our networks. At the time, contamination had not yet embedded itself into our thoughts and actions as a virus overwriting all else. There is not only a conceptual need but a physical inevitability to re-configure the meaning and effects of ‘contamination’.
Please join us for a conversation with a group of our contributors, where they will present their unique approaches to ‘contamination.’ Taking into account how the past months may have influenced their views, the discussion will reflect on the concepts of: home, intimacy, and the commons.
- Susana Fabre – “Surrogating Monsters”
- David Maroto – “Hybridisation, Impurity, Contamination: The Emergence of the Artist’s Novel”
- Ayoub Tannaoui – “Connecting Biological Processes, Lived Experience and The Production of
Knowledge: A Biosemiotic Analysis of Allergy” - Jeppe Dall Gregersen – “Between Transformation and Contamination: Material Imitation in Laminate Tabletops”
Moderated by Lijuan Klassen
You can pre-order 2.0 Contamination here.
Thanks to the contributors, peer reviewers, collaborators, and friends whose continuous work and patience in the oddest of times made this possible.
Special thanks to our brilliant designers: Stepan Lipatov and Sissel V. Møller.
With the kind support of the NICA (Netherland Institute for Cultural Analysis) and the UvA department of Literary Studies.