Jordi de Vetten
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March 18, 2020

Gardening tools for my balcony

At first glance, Jordi de Vetten’s photographs lull you into comfortable familiarity, with images of the everyday that signal towards a mundaneness of suburbia. You think you know exactly what you see: a garage door, traffic lights, a tree. But each image documents slippage, the not-quite-right and the disruptive, enclosing a narrative that the viewer must find. They reveal that everyday situations and instances of looking can contain nuances not instantly noticeable. The vast subliminality of landscapes are punctured by oddness – the musical notes on the side of the farmhouse, for example, seem incongruous to their surroundings. Why are they there? And how does their presence make us reevaluate our assumptions of space and the familiar? Do they alter our ways of seeing? These images force us to search for, and eventually uncover, the complexity of an initially straight-forward narrative.

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Jordi de Vetten is a maker based in Amsterdam, currently studying at the Gerrit Rietveld Academie. He works across various media (photography, painting, film) to explore ideas surrounding narrative and point-of-view, evaluating their implications.

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